Full Name
Kapil Arora
Job Title
Field Agricultural Engineer with Extension and Outreach and Assistant Professor with Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Iowa State University
Speaker Bio
Dr. Kapil Arora works as a field agricultural engineer with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach as well as an assistant professor in the department of agricultural and biosystems engineering at ISU. Dr. Arora has been involved in educating Iowans in the past 22 years on farmland drainage, corn stover harvest, manure management planning, and composting. Dr. Arora’s experience in manure management includes training service providers on manure management and nutrient management plans, designing and building three compost facilities including the one at Iowa State University which composts various manures, campus yard waste, and food waste from student housing. In the research world, Dr. Arora has tested manure distribution manifolds for liquid manure distribution variability analysis and has been working on in-season manure application during the growing corn crop. In collaboration with Ohio State University, ISU researchers have received a conservation innovation grant to evaluate water quality impacts of applying liquid manure to standing corn crop. This presentation will provide a summary of currently available in-season manure application methods and associated technology.
Kapil Arora