Chad Harbaugh | Davis Equipment |
Matt Harmon | Nutrien Wholesale |
Amber Harrison | Verdesian Life Sciences |
Brian Hasselbring | Heartland Tank Services |
Jed Henrich | Simonsen Industries |
Sam Herro | Horizen |
Jim Heschke | Ranco Fertiservice, Inc. |
Carolyn Hetzel | UPL |
Denna Heyer | Calcium Products |
Cindy Hicks | Iowa State University Seed Lab |
Mike Hilbrands | Davis Equipment |
Tracy Hillenbrand | UPL |
Jeffrey Hink | Nutrien Ag Solutions |
Lindie Hoaglund | Agribusiness Association of Iowa |
Liz Hobart | GROWMARK |
Liz Hobart | (not set) |
Brandy Hodges | Deveron/Agronomic Solutions |
Kyle Hoefling | Wilson Trailer |
Jeff Hoemann | Calcium Products |
Jason Hohanshelt | Titan Application |
Tony Holder | Accu-Steel Fabric Covered Buildings |
Dennis Holland | Corteva / Brevant Seeds |
Ben Hollingshead | Key Cooperative |
Afton Holt | CornerPost |
Derrick Hoodjer | Smith Fertilizer and Grain |
Tess Howard | Iowa State University Seed Lab |
Jeff Hughes | Precision Tank |
Charles Hurburgh | Iowa State University |
Allyson Jamison | UPL |
Taylor Jans | CoBank |
Jason Jensen | Smith Fertilizer and Grain |
Wade Jensen | Iowa Seed Association Honorary Member |
Chris Johnson | CHS Inc. |
Paul Johnson | Rosen's Inc |
Chris Johnson | Rosen's Inc |
William Johnson | ROSEN'S INC |
LaDon Johnson | Altus CXO |
Ben Johnson | Phospholutions |
Terry Johnston | Farm Rescue |
Matt Jones | UPL |
Richard Judge | Bayer |
Lynn Justesen | UPL |
Dr. Jim Kaisand | IDALS |
Bill Keeble | BASF |
Summer Kellar | Northland CDL Training |
Alan Keller | IDALS |
John Kelly | Popp Engineering, Inc |
Patrick Kendrick | Deveron |
Roger Kenkel | Agronomy Innovations |
Will Kenkel | Cogdill Farm Supply, Inc. |