Phil Rankin | EvenMix |
David Reddel | Wilbur Ellis |
ED RIEKER | ALPHA & Associates |
Brian Ritland | The Pinnacle Group, LLC |
Johnny Robb | Helena Agri-Enterprsies |
Casey Robinson | AgSource Labs |
Curtis Rodgers | Wyffels Hybrids |
Tammy Rogers | BecomeMore Group |
Todd Roland | Titan Application |
Billy Rose | Optimal Ag Solutions |
Jon Rosengren | Bolton & Menk, Inc. |
Jonnelle Rupert | Mail Services LLC |
James Russmann | New Century FS |
Derek Sandel | Dultmeier Sales |
Trey Sands | Squibbtaylor |
Troy Schlapkohl | Heartland Coop |
Travis Schmitt | Nutrien Wholesale |
Todd Schomburg | Stine Seed Company |
Travis Schulte | Cogdill Farm Supply, Inc. |
Marty Schwager | Iowa Farm Bureau Federation |
Brent Schwenneker | Bayer |
John Scott | (not set) |
Laremy Seelow | Stueve Construction LLC |
Aaron Seifert | Ever.Ag |
Jeff Sernett | Bayer Crop Science |
Kyle Shirk | BASF |
helen simonsen | Simonsen Industries, Inc. |
David Simonson | Nutrien Ag Solutions |
Shelly Sims | Intellifarms Northern Division, Inc. |
Karson Sims | Helena Agri-Enterprsies |
Curt Sloss | UPL |
Tim Smith | Nutrien |
Charles Smith | Smith Fertilizer and Grain |
Joel Spring | Van Diest Supply Company |
Molly Stamp | (not set) |
Jeff Steinback | Remington Seeds LLC |
tim steinbeck | steinbeck and sons |
Cody Steinkamp | Doyle MFG |
Ty Stender | Corteva Agriscience |
Kevin Steward | Tidal Grow AgriScience |
Dave Stewart | Davis Equipment |
Barbara Stewart | Stewart Conservation Consulting |
Brent Strahm | Greenfield Contractors |
Bert Strayer | La Crosse Seed |
Judd Stretcher | Continental NH3 Products |
Matt Struve | SoilView |
Katie Stutsman | Corteva Agriscience |
Nate Sutton | Eldon C. Stutsman, Inc. |
Scott Svoboda | 21st Century Coop |