Advanced Grain Operations Short Course Outline

(NOTE: This agenda is representative of the expected course material, but may not be exact and order of presentation is subject to change)

Monday, 5 August

12:45 PM - 5:00 PM

  • Welcome, Participant Introductions and Orientation 
  • Review of course content and access to e-copies of presentations and resource materials 
  • Bulk Material Handling Equipment – Design and Performance 
  • Group Photo & Break    
  • Hands-on: Material Handling Equipment Performance & Bulk Material Inventory Monitoring Training 
  • Adjourn

Tuesday, 6 August

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Grain and Feed Quality and Handling Characteristics and Measurement 
  • Air Properties, Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) and Safe Storage 
  • Bulk Material Handling Equipment – Operation and Maintenance 

Noon  -  Lunch (provided)

  • Bulk Material Inventory Monitoring and Measurement Technology 
  • Grain and Feed Ingredient Inventory Management 
  • Hands-on: Material Handling Equipment Performance & Bulk Material Inventory Monitoring Training 
  • Adjourn 

Wednesday, 7 August

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Arrive at ISU Kent Feed Mill & Grain Science Complex 
  • Handling Equipment Hazard Monitoring and Measurement Technology 
  • Calculating and Tracking Operations Costs 
  • Hands-on: Material Handling Equipment Performance & Bulk Material Inventory Monitoring Training 

Noon - Lunch (provided)

  • Air Properties (Psychrometrics) for Drying and Cooling 
  • Inspection, Receiving, Binning and Shipping 
  • Hands-on: Storage Conditions Monitoring and Grain Aeration & Storage App Training 
  • Adjourn 

Thursday, 8 August

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Grain Drying Principles 
  • Operating and Maintaining Grain Dryers 
  • Aeration Principles – Purpose, Hardware, Airflow Rates, Cooling Front Movement 

Noon - Lunch (provided)

  • Aeration Principles – Airflow Resistance, Uniformity and Distribution 
  • Aeration Principles – Fan Selection, Sizing and Control with Hands-on Exercise 
  • Hands-on: Storage Conditions Monitoring and Grain Aeration & Storage App Training 
  • Adjourn 

Friday, 9 August

8:00 AM - Noon

  • Managing Aeration Shrink Loss in Bins, Silos, Tanks and Ground Piles 
  • Managing Outdoor Grain Piles 
  • Hands-on: Storage Conditions Monitoring and Grain Aeration & Storage App Training 
  • Wrap-up, Course Evaluations, Course Graduation Certificates 

Noon - Adjourn